Cyprus Symphony Book 1

February 4, 2013


Beno came first, young almost tame. Then another one came, almost the same. Then Beno came with his brother. Then his mother came with her other. […]
February 4, 2013

The Devil’s Disciple

The Devil’s disciple has a seductive, silky voice. Like a poisonous viper sliding into our vulnerable lives; Watching, waiting for his moment to strike. In his […]
February 4, 2013


Now, at this moment, There is nowhere else I would like to be Other than here in Capri. The sound of the sea, striking the welcoming […]
February 4, 2013

My Home

My home, with outstretched arms embracing all who call. The swallows, every year make their nests above the lanterns in the cloisters. They dart and swoop […]
February 4, 2013

Delicate Love

My love for you is all embracing. It touches all I see, feel and do; Enhancing everything there is, Sharper, more beautiful, brighter. My love for […]
February 4, 2013

My Daughter Elizabeth

Her life is a whirlwind, she tries to be calm. Her friends are many and varied, Always she is loyal and supportive. How fortunate are they […]
February 4, 2013


Scorn and ridicule our diet of everyday. Shouting and bellowing, feeding our fears for today. Unsure, insecure, unloved and unsafe, that’s how we lived every day. […]
February 4, 2013


Smiling blue eyes asked me to dance. We floated up and away, Into a magical world, no place, no time And I felt so alive. Will […]
February 4, 2013

Disturbing Person

Exploding with laughter he leapt into my life And Cypriot sunshine engulfed the whole place. Complex, clever, kind and astute, Sensitive, assertive, but never morose. This […]
February 4, 2013


My lover lies in deep slumbering bliss, His sweet breath reaching to the heavens to kiss. All is quiet, save the beating of my heart, Beating […]
February 4, 2013

Ray Wyre

Oh Ray, we are so sorry You slipped away from us in your sleep. Too soon to leave us, so much still to do. You leave […]
February 4, 2013


Like a reed in the breeze, Her form, like a serpent sways, Her tousled red hair as flames cascade. The Irish dancer, dances the dance, of […]
February 4, 2013

The Love of Myself: or Myself So Amazing

How stupid, not to see my magnificence. How stupid to pass me by, Does the dazzle of my magnificence , Not hit you in the eye? […]
February 4, 2013


He is there at the door, almost before you have called. Young and capable, Satellite Simon, known to nearly all. Stocky, not too tall, huge smile, […]
February 4, 2013

Thinking of Costas

Thinking of Costas, makes me smile. For you my friend, will always go that extra mile. You will always give us your all, Whatever the problem […]