Poetry Books


Cyprus Symphony

February 6, 2013

The Moon

Give me room to touch the moon. A tranquillity, a peace that is profound; To experience in depth the here and now; And far beyond the […]
February 5, 2013

Synopsis of Modern Day Foreign Diplomats

I would love to hear of accolades regarding foreign diplomats. Sadly, rarely do we hear of positive, successful work in evidence. Five thousand passengers stranded in […]
February 5, 2013

The Flame

A flicker of a fledgling flame of an idea came. Would it take hold and gather strength and fame? Spread strongly climb burning emblazing, not tame. […]
January 20, 2013

The Last Embrace

Your loving arms embraced me so sweetly I thought you sincere, Your sentiments of true love were proclaimed together with tears. We promised each other loving […]
January 20, 2013

The New Friend

He is a mute, reincarnation of the Cheshire feline species With his benign smile and listening ears And brown eyes which know and see far beyond […]
January 20, 2013

The New President

Determined he strode purposefully into the arena. He, who had won the hearts and votes of his fellow countrymen. The first black American to lead his […]
February 4, 2013


Sweet dear jester of our time, We love and honour you, For you bravely give your humour, To everyone you meet. To see the children smile, […]
February 6, 2013

The Surgeon

The stainless steel scalpel Removes years of misery and grief, Gives a second chance of flowering; A second chance of youth. The surgeon’s skilful scalpel releases […]
February 4, 2013


He is there at the door, almost before you have called. Young and capable, Satellite Simon, known to nearly all. Stocky, not too tall, huge smile, […]
February 4, 2013

Disturbing Person

Exploding with laughter he leapt into my life And Cypriot sunshine engulfed the whole place. Complex, clever, kind and astute, Sensitive, assertive, but never morose. This […]
February 5, 2013

The Drought

In December, two thousand and eight, Our dam a puddle, still no rain in sight. Cyprus, where water rationing is the call. Stop go control, causes […]
January 20, 2013

Dish of Shame

You once flew with joy Skimming trees and fern. With your brothers you were free to fly In God’s blue skies, you so enjoyed The freedom […]