December 2, 2013
The Angry Man
December 2, 2013

Depths of Evil Syria

To hear of such evil, deafens my ears.
And to see horrors men perpetrate blinds my eyes..
That brothers sons fathers uncles with their guns
Take aim and purposely shoot little innocent ones.
The children are screaming for some one to save them.
They are bleeding to death , in tandem with decent humanity.
Where is the outstretched hand of help, protecting them
No ligature can stem the flow , how can we have sunk so low?
Tell me I dreamed of this terrible carnage.
Young children tortured and murdered, an unbelievable outrage.
Targeted, slaughtered by evil people giving orders
Convinced these killings will crucify , slaying the spirit of families.
Is there no depths that man will not sink ?
Tell me these unGodly murders are a trick
Sweet innocent children did not die,
It’s all a monstrous propaganda lie.