The phone call

Oh to be able to write magnificently.
July 8, 2012
A year to the day.
July 11, 2012

The phone call

You began by saying you loved me;
Letting me down, you thought gently.
Yet again you couldn’t make our date
You were sorry, you left it so late.
I’m shattered like glass;
The chards, are daggers,
Pressing into my heart.
But the party was for you,
I scream to myself.
Putting my love and gift back on the shelf.
I am taking off my makeup,
Brushing away memories and tears.
My future without you I have no fears.
You are a dear, I’m facing the truth
I will love you forever
But you will love me never.
I hear the ringing of the phone,
Its not you, I am now on my own,
I am without you but never alone.
Will you think of me in the years to come
And speak of me in tones of love?
I hope I’ll be, just a fond memory.