A Tribute
February 5, 2013
Brushing Shoulders
February 5, 2013

Baby P

You are known to us as Baby P
Shame on us, to allow poor practice to remain.
Suspending with pay professionals, whose
excuses sound so lame.
It seems they degrade you again, for so long
giving you no name.
You, who nobody cared enough to save.
Shame on our society, that let you suffer and
A baby victim, falling prey, to a drug taking
mother and a known sadist.
For your development and safety they were given
the key,
So you were left by professionals unprotected,
then repeatedly treated heinously.
Sadly you were slain. Your end came hideously
and protractedly.
Shame on those, who for months could have
rescued you.
They should have resigned immediately; as right
minded people would have had to.
The legacy of neglect, by our so called ‘caring’
Will forever be infamously linked with your
name, Baby P.