The Old Friend
February 4, 2013
February 4, 2013

The Taxi

I look up, and my heart leaps with joy and
There he is, my black shiny cab with his
lights lit up.
Whisking along the busy street, smiling and
Re-assuring, he will carry me to my
appointment quickly.
I wonder what secrets he has heard this
A merger in the city affecting thousands of
A Hollywood star ending a notorious
And she would have been given sound advice
and opinion.
We heard of the physically abused child
spotted in the arms of the carer.
The driver insisted she be taken to hospital,
not home to an aunty.
I expect politicians to be briefed by the driver
On their way to important Government
All life, passes through, the doors of the taxi;
The tourist with his back pack, needing
The girl on her very first date, given warning,
Sympathy for the recently bereaved, grieving
for a loved one;
Successes and disasters are discussed in all
The nation is well served by driver and taxi.