February 4, 2013
The Old Friend
February 4, 2013

The Abused Child

The abused child cannot run away and hide,
For they are invisibly tied, exposed to the
evils of mankind.
Love care and protection has been denied,
So they grow up, stunted, angry of mind.
Neglected, unprotected, society seems
That all that is needed is a little love and
They are branded as hooligans feral
youngsters and cursed.
The public demands punishment
incarceration and worse.
Wrong deeds are ours; society must take the
Our children need protection every inch of
their way.
The youngsters grow up, have children of
their own
And another generation of angry abusers is
To break this sorry cycle, must be our aim.
For sensitive early intervention, we know is
the way.
Good citizenship and good parenting must be
part of a child’s every day.
Promotion of positive, physical and mental
And respect for all, in every school, must be
the norm.
Improved communication is vital to the
The banner of care and love held aloft by
many more.
The children in the playground,
The pensioner in the park,
The community at large must play their
undisputed part.